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Become a Sponsor

Sponsors are integral to the success of TEDPA!  For many of our state members, their staff sizes and/or state population sizes negate vendors from making individual trips to showcase new products, provide training and demonstrations, or solicit direct feedback on current products and suggestions for future ones.  TEDPA’s annual conference provides vendors an opportunity to market their products/services to a wide variety of states at one time.  Conversely, the conference is an opportunity for those same states that do not have travel budgets to meet the vendors personally, see their products first hand, and enhance their product knowledge in order to more effectively provide services to their consumers.​

Benefits of Sponsorship

  • Attendance at Annual Conference

  • Networking with Other State Administrators

  • Participation in TEDPA Private On-line Discussions

  • Information and Presentations on the Latest Technology, Equipment, and Features

  • EDP Statistics for Member States

  • Access to survey information on EDP

How to Become a TEDPA Sponsor

  1. Download the Sponsor Packet (Coming Soon!)

  2. Review the contents.

  3. Submit the Sponsor Conference Registration Form by the deadline.

  4. Submit the Sponsor Registration Payment by the deadline.

  5. The TEDPA Vice Chair and Treasurer will notify you as to your status.

TEDPA Sponsor Eligibility 

  • Be a vendor in an industry that provides telecommunications devices to individuals with disabilities (i.e. deaf, deaf-blind, hard-of-hearing, visually impaired, mobility impaired, etc.)

  • Showcase how your business and/or products impact and empower state telecommunications equipment distribution programs (State EDPs)

  • Register and submit payment by the registration deadline to exhibit at the annual TEDPA conference

  • Submit materials (i.e. company logos, biographies, officer pictures, promotional items, etc.) by deadlines as requested by the TEDPA Board or Conference Planning Committee for inclusion in conference programs, conference member bags, on the TEDPA website, etc.)

  • Follow all requirements and instructions in the annual conference Sponsor Packet and comply with all reasonable requests of the TEDPA Vice Chair, who shall serve as the primary liaison between the TEDPA Board and Sponsors, or the Vice Chair’s designee

The TEDPA Board, at its sole discretion, retains the right to confer or remove a status of TEDPA Sponsor upon any vendor for any and all reasons the Board, by simple majority vote, may deem appropriate and applicable.  Vendors shall be required to register on an annual basis as a TEDPA Sponsor.  Approval as a sponsor in any given year does not automatically confer sponsor status upon any vendor for any subsequent year.

Sponsorship Inquiry

Contact Information (Private - internal use only)

Primary Contact Person:

Phone Type:

If you have any additional contacts/staff to list, please enter their full names, titles, and contact information below.

Company Contact Information (Public)

Please add your public contact information below. This will be used on any sponsor listings/materials.

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